Revolutionizing Global Healthcare for Employers

May 31, 2024 Revolutionizing Global Healthcare for Employers

May 31, 2024 Revolutionizing Global Healthcare for Employers

May 31, 2024 Revolutionizing Global Healthcare for Employers

May 31, 2024

Siddharth Nambiar

Co founder World Class Health

Siddharth Nambiar

Co founder World Class Health

Siddharth Nambiar

Co founder World Class Health

Siddharth Nambiar

Co founder World Class Health

Teal Flower
Teal Flower
Teal Flower
Teal Flower

We are thrilled to announce the launch of, a groundbreaking platform designed to transform healthcare access for global employers and their employees. Our mission is simple: Empowering companies worldwide to offer their employees access to the best healthcare providers on a global stage, all delivered through a concierge-managed patient experience. 

Industry Leaders Unite for a Global Healthcare Solution

A group of men sitting at a table

Description automatically generated boasts a founding team composed of industry titans. Siddharth Nambiar, with his experience as Director at Amazon and Co-Founder of Rocket Internet, leads the charge as CEO. Joining him is Dave Guilmette, the former CEO of industry giants like Aon, CIGNA, and WTW. Serkan Kutan, with his background as CTO at ZocDoc, Amwell, and Amazon, brings his technical expertise to the table. The team will soon be welcoming a highly qualified Chief Medical Officer to complete the leadership circle. 

Building a World-Class Network of Expertise 

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the founding team. We are guided by: 

  • Clinical Advisory Board: 
    - Dr. Mohan Chellappa (President Emeritus, John Hopkins International) 
    - Dr. Sharon Kleefield (Harvard Medical School and MGH) 
    - Dr. Kumar Dharmarajan (Clover Health, Yale) 
    - Dr. Erick Kazarian (Rothman, Mayo) 

  • Go-to-Market Advisory Board: 
    - Brian Marcotte (BGH) 
    - Steve Putterman (Mercer) 
    - Jeff Bernhard (Aetna) 
    - Paul Matthews (Towers Watson) 

  • Technical Advisory Board: 
    - Naresh Shanker (Xerox, HP) 
    - Lalith Vadlamannati (Hinge, Amazon) 
    - Babak Parviz (Amazon, Google) 

  • Legal, Regulatory & Ethical Advisors: 
    - Dale Van Demark (McDermott) 
    - Tamim Bazzi (Cooley & Co) 
    - Ryan Shaening Pokrasso (SPZ) 
    - I. Glenn Cohen (Harvard Law School) 

Addressing the Global Healthcare Challenge

We are tackling a fundamental issue in today's healthcare landscape: a lack of transparency in clinical quality and pricing, limited access due to high co-pays, and a complex system hindering global options for multinational employers. disrupts the status quo. 

 We envision a future where employees have access to a concierge-managed patient experience, connecting them with Global Centers of Excellence. Gone are the days of endless forms and frustrating navigation. Our user-centric interface streamlines all workflows, enabling seamless global healthcare experiences. 

 Imagine this: an employee stationed in Europe can consult with a leading oncologist in Texas, while an employee in San Francisco can choose a renowned surgeon in Tokyo for their surgery, all while recovering comfortably with family nearby. Through, employees gain access to top-tier healthcare providers across the globe at a significantly lower cost than local options in their home countries. 

Transforming Healthcare, Empowering Employers and Employees 

This innovative approach allows self-insured employers to potentially reduce their overall healthcare spend by over 5%. These savings can translate to significant benefits for employees through waived co-pays, leading to a healthier and more empowered workforce. 

A heartfelt thank you to all our colleagues and leaders, particularly Amit Agarwal, Neil Lindsay, and Tony Hoggett. marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of global healthcare. We are confident that our platform will make a lasting impact on how healthcare is delivered worldwide, ultimately creating a future where world-class healthcare is accessible to all. 

Join the Movement 

We are actively seeking talented individuals to join our team across Product, Tech, Clinical Quality & Operations, and Go-to-Market. If you're passionate about revolutionizing healthcare, visit to learn more about exciting career opportunities. 

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Contact us to receive an in-depth Provider Quality white paper, a customizable Cost-Savings Analysis, and an adoption plan aimed at achieving 5-10% savings on your company's overall healthcare costs over three years.